Performance programmes

Performance programs by Phytness HealthCare

If you are looking to step up your performance in your athletic endeavours, Phytness has many options to help optimise your performance and simultaneously reduce injury risks, regardless of the level you are currently at.

Whether it be assessing your readiness to progress to dancing en pointe,  optimising the setup of your bike, assessing your running or swimming technique, for areas to improve or tailoring a conditioning program to your body, goals and sport, Phytness offers a wealth of experience and options to assist. Our team includes clinicians highly skilled and qualified in many areas and experienced with all levels of athletes from amateur to elite including many international representative, AIS members and Olympians and dancers of all levels from recreational to professional.

To support the clinicians, Phytness has also invested in technology such as video and ViMove wearable sensor systems to back up assessment and programming with detailed data not obtainable by other methods. This gives Phytness' clients access to the technology generally only available to professional sporting organisations.

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